Surprise underwater marriage proposal. On Saturday morning, July 27, 2019, at 7:30 a.m., I pretended to be the dive site photographer in need of new images for the site website. I then solicited the modeling services of Joseph & Allison under the guise that my dive buddy had car troubles and would not be able to make the shoot.
Allison thought it strange, but went along with it.
All I needed was for Virgil to make a guest appearance during the 30" I had available to do this dive, so that we could be on a platform feeding the fish and the site mascot while Joseph wrote on his slate the critical question:
"Allison, will you marry me, Yes or Yes?"
I equipped them both with containers of turtle food.
It all went off without a hitch, praise God.
I was the first one in the water, and Virgil came right to me. With that, we hustled down to the 10 foot platform to feed them.
As Allison was entranced with the affections of Miss Virgil, Joseph unknowingly crept in from her right side, on bent knee.
With slate written on, he proceeded to pull out a box with her magnificent diamond ring in it, to seal the deal.
Allison was greatly surprised, and scrambled like a little fish to accept his proposal!
What a glorious site to witness.
We then surfaced for a few moments to regroup and embrace the moment.
Upon surfacing, there were a few dozen instructors with their students observing the dive site.
I announced that this was an underwater marriage proposal, and that "she said, Yes"!
All clapped and cheered! What a wonderful memory this young gal, along with her beloved, now has to re-live during her lifetime of marriage! Hallelujah!
Divers: Joseph Hemmert groom to be, Allison Tucker bride to be, and Sandra Koster, Photographer.